Sok Tha and her husband Em Eung have five adult children, and rent their land for $250 USD a year. Only one of their children lives with them and works to provide for the couple....

Sen Maly and her husband, Sam Chea, don’t own their land and are concerned about the impending economic development. They are in $1,000 USD of debt to two separate lenders....

Chea Sol and Khy Tuy are concerned they will soon be without a place to live, something no-one should have to worry about....

Seng Thong and his new wife, Sok Neang, have six children between them; three of which live with them. One works in the city, another lives with other family members and the third sadly lives in an orphanage, as he has a disability that his...

Tay Sern and Pheun Seyha would love to one day own a small business selling groceries. They live with their two small children in the settlement by the river east of SALT School and the eldest attends school....

Wine Sarom and her husband, Hoeurn Siha, live with their youngest child; a 16 year old who has not finished school because he has had to start working to support the three of them - a sad reality for many children in Cambodia....