Australia has always been home and there’s a new story being written.

In 2020, RAW Impact started working with First Nations communities and organisations to see what we could do to support the incredible work happening throughout Australia. Our work is based around each Nation’s goals for their community and guided by its Elders:

People taken On Country

First Nations Leaders involved

Swags ready to go*

Marshmallows toasted

*Sleeping in a swag is better than it sounds!

A new journey for RAW …

Working together with First Nations communities has always been on our hearts. In June 2020 we recognised we had a unique opportunity to explore how RAW could engage meaningfully in this space. This led to many yarns with gracious First Nations Elders and Community leaders on their land. During this time our understanding grew and our connection with Elders and leaders deepened. We were all inspired to bring teams On Country to do meaningful projects while learning culture and history directly from First Nations people.

Learning from Elders. Doing Projects.

Elders had shared their desire to tell their stories and share their culture with those willing to come On Country and listen. We learned about big visions and dreams of self-determination for their people and Country which included project development work to be done on their land. Our On Country camps were co-designed to integrate these two vital elements for trip participants to engage in – meaningful projects and deep cultural learning.

A new vision for reconciliation

Reconciliation is made personal through the power of connection and relationships formed between First Nations leaders and trip participants On Country. There is something special that happens when we come together around a campfire to listen, learn and understand one another. We believe through On Country camps, we all have the opportunity to create a better shared future together.

You are invited to
Adventure with us.

If you are a school leader looking for a purposeful camp option for your students, we’d love you to adventure with us On Country.